Sunday, July 26, 2020


CAVEATSINCE TIME BEGAN : salus populi suprema est lex - the right of the people is the supreme law : IN TRUTH WE TRUST : CAVEAT
"Immunity is an exemption from a legal requirement, prosecution, or penalty granted by government authorities or statute. The main types of immunity are witness immunity, public officials immunity from liability, sovereign immunity, and diplomatic immunity" ... "A public prosecutor may grant immunity from prosecution to a witness who is suspected of criminal activity in return for that individual's testimony against other suspected criminals. In U.S. law there are two types of criminal immunity—transactional immunity and use immunity" ... "Qualified immunity only applies to suits against government officials as individuals, not suits against the government for damages caused by the officials' actions. Although qualified immunity frequently appears in cases involving police officers, it also applies to most other executive branch officials" ... "An incumbent Head of State of a non-State Party is immune from arrest and surrender by a State executing a warrant issued by the ICC by virtue of their personal immunity" ... "Personal immunity will apply to an incumbent Head of State unless one of the following conditions is met: (i) the State represented by the Head of State waives the individual's personal immunity; (ii) personal immunity is ousted by a competing rule of conventional international law; or (iii) personal immunity is ousted." ... "Prerogative powers are executive powers that can be exercised by the monarch or his or her representatives without the need for legislation.".

SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY : "is a legal doctrine whereby a sovereign or state cannot commit a legal wrong and is immune from civil suit or criminal prosecution, strictly speaking in modern texts in its own courts. A similar, stronger rule as regards foreign courts is named state immunity."  : LEGAL DOCTRINE
EXCEPTIONS : "The only possible constraint is the restrictive theory of sovereign immunity: a state may not grant immunity to private acts of a state, even though it has considerable freedom to determine the criteria by which it defines what constitutes a public and what a private act." : BACKGROUNDER

SINCE TIME BEGAN : salus populi suprema est lex - the right of the people is the supreme law : IN TRUTH WE TRUST
CAVEAT : SINCE TIME BEGAN : salus populi suprema est lex - the right of the people is the supreme law : IN TRUTH WE TRUST : CAVEAT